Saturday, February 6, 2016

Staying balanced and warm this winter season.

Having been lucky enough to have somewhat of a mild winter, here in upstate NY, we are still not completely out of the clutches of the winter season and its bite.   With potentially a few more flurries and teen degrees expected (or lower) , it's important that we still maximize all that we can do to cap off this winter season inviting balance and wellbeing for a smooth transition into the spring.    

Here are some tips to help round out the rest of your winter season:

Create lasting inner heat!
The cold in the air has the capability of permeating into our body lowering our immunity.   Just like our homes during this cold season we should take the necessary steps to keep our body at a suitable temperature to help maintain  healthy circulation, metabolism, and boost our immunity. 

We recommend : 

Light physical exercise.   To help prevent stagnation we recommend light exercises to help circulation of blood and energy such as jogging, walking, or hiking.  You want to create just enough warmth in the body.  Even something as easy as simple stretches through yoga or qigong are great methods to warm the muscles.

Choose warming foods.  It is a good time to eat lots of porridges and root vegetables.  Some great additions to your meals can include:  carrots, potatoes, chestnuts , cabbage, pine nuts, anchovies, mussels, trout, and legumes.   You may consider adding the following warming herbs and spices to your meals or to teas: ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, fennel and anise.  One of my favorite seasonal go-to is Korean Beef Broth soup!

Take it slow!

Whether considering what we would like to improve for the next year or setting up our intention to reach our goals, the inward nature of winter provides us an opportune time for reflection and reexamination.

Remember winter is the time of the year to take things slow, to get that extra rest, and not demand so much from ourselves.   With the buzzing of spring just around the corner, cherish these internal days no matter how cold externally they may be.   The more we find harmony and balance with each season's qualities the easier it is for us to transition and move through them with more pronounced ease and grace.  Stay warm everyone!